"What the Papers Said" - from Shropshire Caving & Mining Club Archives

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Wellington Journal & Shrewsbury News, July 29, 1911
Letters to the Editor


Will you allow me space in your column to make some reference to lead mines in the Hope Valley?

There is a range of lead mines in this valley extending nearly two miles. The first is known as the Hope Valley Mine, and was worked some 35 or 40 years ago.  There overhangs this mine a noble range of hills which are no doubt very productive of lead and blende and byrtes. There have been pieces of lead got out of these hills near to the surface weighing one or two hundredweight. At the other side of the hill is what is known as the Nick-Knowles lode, which has been very productive of barites, but had not been intersected from the Hope Valley shaft. There is no doubt that if this lode was cut from the Hope Valley side of the hill, driving from the bottom of the Hope Valley shaft, it would pay to work it.


Submitted by Steve Dewhirst

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